252 Award Scheme

What is the 252 Improvement awards scheme?

The 252 awards are designed to help you practice your shooting at different distances and recognise your achievements.

Because it is about improving your groupings at different distances, it is primarily used outdoors.

The challenge

After 6 sighters, you shoot 3 dozen arrows on a 122cm face at your chosen distance. The round can be shot at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 or 100 yards with the aim of scoring 252 or better (252 for recurve – alternative scores apply for other bow types).

If you achieve the score TWO times you can claim a badge.

It is an award scheme in use at many archery clubs in the UK and applies to all archers, irrespective of age, ability or bow type (scores differ by bow type).

The Rules:

  •  To be shot at the specified distance using 5-zone scoring (Gold = 9, Red = 7, Blue = 5, Black = 3, White = 1) on a 122cm target face.
  • Six sighter arrows are permitted, which will not count towards the final score.
  • Once the archer has achieved the minimum required score twice at each distance, the 252 awards will be awarded for that distance.
  • Novices should complete the distances in order.
  • The archer’s responsibility is to record your scores either on an official club scoresheet or by using a score recording app, this should be witnessed and signed by one other club member as target captain.
  • Two signed and witnessed official 252 score records should be submitted to the records officer to claim an award. 

252 Score Sheet.pdf